30 August 2008

McCain courts Monty Python fans by picking Palin as VP 

At first I thought he DID choose Michael Palin, but alas, no. (Actually, I could not imagine Michael Palin being associated in any way with McCain!)

23 August 2008

Mr Sandman hates me...

Well I guess the payback for my almost-jet-lag-free trip in March is my current state of odd-sleepiness. The trip was long (with flights and with stopovers and layovers it was about 15 hours from boarding the first plane to leaving the last; no wonder the ticket was cheap!).

I got into my flat at about 4pm Wednesday afternoon, unpacked a little and forced myself to stay awake as long as possible. I went to sleep about 10:30 pm and was wide awake at 4 am.

Thursday I went into work, caught up on a lot but was exhausted by 2 pm. Went back home took a short nap, at and was in bed by 10. Wide awake at 3:3 am. Argh!

It’s been like that the last few days. Wake up at stupid o’clock, be dead tired in the afternoon. I have tried not napping, but it seems impossible to stay awake.  I am hoping that my body adjusts soon.

My experience of jet lag is rarely that I feel like it is a different time (like the one of the time zone I came from), for me more it is more like I feel like there is no time; I can look at the sun high in the sky and I have no perception of what time it could be.

Well fingers crossed that this all sorts itself out soon!

20 August 2008

Back in the U-U-U-K

So I am home, in Preston, as this is actually my home now. A really long trip back (been awake for over 30 hours with a only a quick nap here and there) so it is good to be back on familiar turf and with comfy surroundings.

I'll write more later; as it is as surreal to be back here as it was on my first night back in Boston was 2 weeks ago. 

I will wake up tomorrow and begin this new chapter of my life; living and working in a different country – across the pond but on (somewhat) familiar turf.

More soon...

Currently in Dublin...

My flight from Boston was mainly uneventful. There was a somewhat lengthy stop-over in Shannon, but I am now in the Dublin airport.

I just need to stay awake to catch my flight to Manchester.

The adventure begins...

14 August 2008

Great Stuff about visiting Boston...

1) Making plans and seeing friends...it has been awesome :)
2) Accidently running into people who I had not had a chance to contact or whom I didn't expect to see
3) Feeling that people have been genuinely happy to see me

Makes me feel good in many ways and slightly maudlin in other ways...

05 August 2008

Back in the USA...

...is weird.

I left my flat in Preston at 10am BST (5am EDT)...I arrived in Boston at 1:30am BST (8:30pm EDT). The city is of course familiar. I had a really horrible taxi driver (welcome back!) and the city did look nice as the sun was almost down by the time I got through customs and luggage rigamarole.

Called my folk to let them know I am here (my Dad and Sis (and maybe my brother) will be up this weekend). Had a glass of wine then collapsed about 11:30 or so. I woke up about 5 and have not been able to get back t sleep so, awake I be. I plan on walking down to the Apple Store that has opened since I moved. Later, I'll meet (at leas part of) the crowd at The Alley.

More later...