30 September 2008

Amsterdam pics

Quick post. Some pics from Amsterdam:

27 September 2008

Jack Cafferty - Voice of Reason

I remember him on local news in NYC years ago. He is now on CNN. Check out his take on the Katie Couric Interview of Sarah Palin here.

Jack speaks Truth to Power (in spite of how Wolf Blitzer tries to cover for Palin).

19 September 2008

Behind in blogging...

I know, I know. I have meant to post, but have been quite busy the last few weeks. An update soon.

Thanks for hanging in there. If regular readers (or irregular ones) want me to blog about something specific, let me know - topics help!

05 September 2008

The Daily Show rocks, once again

If only actual news shows would do this type of analysis.

04 September 2008

The Palindrones

So many Republicans are blindly accepting Sarah Palin as being perfectly qualified to be VP as well as being  'a heartbeat away' from the presidency to use the familiar cliche´. She was picked by McCain, she is qualified, QED. She seems particularly immune from any scrutiny about her ability to do said job(s).  

A favourite Republican response in defending her foreign policy experience is that 'Alaska is right next to Russia!!' Here's video of McCain saying it, along with references to other mindless Palindrones spouting the same sort of nonsense. Fox's Steve Doocy put it in a more folksy way: "...she does know about international relations because she is right up there in Alaska right next door to Russia." Watch, open-mouthed, here.

I find the current rhetoric about Sarah Palin fascinating.  When asked any questions about her qualifications and fitness for a national office, the response is almost always that first, the question is sexist and second it involves invoking Hillary Clinton to talk about how difficult it is to be a woman in politics. 

Joan Vennochi in The Boston Globe has a good piece on the first point called Skepticism isn't Sexism. The second part is even more amazing to me. The Republicans are using Hillary Clinton's (!) example as to why Palin should be in office. Actually it seems MORE sexist. First,  it sounds more like why we should 'give her a chance to prove herself' since it is difficult for women to break into the corridors of power. That feels much more patronising and sexist IMNSHO. Second, the assumption that Clinton supporters (particularly female Clinton supports) will accept any old woman as a substitute is incredibly sexist and even more condescending. 

"HEY! Clinton supporters!!! Look over here, no, over here, to the Right!! You wanted a woman, boy, howdy, we got one!!! Sure she is anti-choice, pro-gun and shares almost nothing with Hillary but anatomy, but look! A Woman! Vote for Us... WE know how to do change!!"
Ugh....they make me sick.